UFO 83

8x DVB-S(2) to 8x DVB-T

UFOmini headend 8x, input: 4 x Sat IF with DiSEqC™ 1.0 and 1 x multifrontend DVB-T/T2, DVB-C; frontend: 8x DVB-S/S2, DVB-T/T2, DVB-C; backend: 8 x DVB-T; TS proc.; COFDM modulator; prog. via USW 800

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UFOmini headend 8x, input: 4 x Sat IF with DiSEqC™ 1.0 and 1 x multifrontend DVB-T/T2, DVB-C; frontend: 8x DVB-S/S2, DVB-T/T2, DVB-C; backend: 8 x DVB-T; TS proc.; COFDM modulator; prog. via USW 800

  • Stand-alone headend with 8-way multi-standard DVB-S(2)/-T(2)/-C front end, 6-way decryption (CI) and eight DVB-compliant output channels (flexibly adjustable)
  • Eight output channels in DVB-T
  • High energy efficiency
  • Four satellite IF inputs with DiSEqC™1.0 functionality for satellite multi-switches and one terr/cable input can be flexibly distributed to eight multistandard front-ends
  • Extensive baseband signal processing with e.g. program filter functionality, NIT, LCN
  • Maintenance-free and noiseless thanks to fan-free device design
  • Cascadable (16x multistandard front end, 12x decryption (CI) and 16 x QAM/COFDM) via UFO Link
  • Outstanding output values thanks to direct implementation as an FPGA solution
  • All transmission parameters can be set using the USW 800 management software
  • Remote maintenance and configuration
  • Transfer of stored configurations and program lists to other systems
Type: UFO 83
Order no: 20610134
Inputs: —————————————————–
Sat IF input: 4 x F-connector, 75 Ω
Terr/cable input: 1 x F-connector, 75 Ω
DVB-S frequency range: 950-2150 MHz
Decoupling: > 25 dB
DiSEqC™1.0: Vert/Horiz., Low/High; Sat. pos. (A/B/C/D)
Switching levels: 14/18, 0/22 V/kHz
Remote power supply current for LNB: max. 250 (at F socket no. 3), max.
60 (at F-socket no. 1, 2, 4) mA
Remote feed current for active antenna (5V): 100 (at F socket no. 5) mA
Front end: —————————————————–
DVB-S/-S2/-T/-T2/-C: 8 x
Frequency grid: 1 MHz
Input level range: 60-100 dBµV
Permissible level difference: 20 dB
DVB-S demodulation: —————————————————–
DVB-S standard: EN 300 421
DVB-S input symbol rate QPSK: 1-45 MS/s
DVB-S code rate (Viterbi): 1/2, 2/3, 3/4, 5/6, 7/8
DVB-S Roll off: 35 %
DVB-S AFC control range: ± 5 MHz
DVB-S2 demodulation: —————————————————–
DVB-S2 standard: EN 302 307, TR 102-376
DVB-S2 input symbol rate QPSK: 1-45 MS/s
DVB-S2 code rate (LDPC) QPSK: 1/2, 3/5, 2/3, 3/4, 4/5, 5/6, 8/9, 9/10
DVB-S2 input symbol rate 8PSK: 1-45 MS/s
DVB-S2 code rate (LDPC) 8PSK: 3/5, 2/3, 3/4, 5/6, 8/9, 9/10
DVB-S2 Roll off: 20/25/35 %
DVB-T (COFDM) demodulation: —————————————————–
DVB-T Standard: EN 300744, NorDig Unified 2.2.1, D-Book 7.0, Supports all C.R, G.I, LP and HP streams
DVB-T guard interval: 1/4, 1/8, 1/16, 1/32
DVB-T FEC: 1/2, 2/3, 3/4, 5/6, 7/8
DVB-T FFT mode: 2k, 8k
DVB-T bandwidth: 6/7/8 MHz
DVB-T constellation: QPSK, 16 QAM, 64 QAM
DVB-T2 (COFDM) demodulation: —————————————————–
DVB-T2 Standard: EN 302755-V1.31, DVB-T2 Lite compliant, Single and multiple PLP support, NorDig Unified 2.2.1, D-Book 7.0
DVB-T2 guard interval: 1/128, 1/32, 1/16, 19/256, 1/8, 19/128, 1/4
DVB-T2 FEC: 1/2, 3/5, 2/3, 3/4, 4/5, 5/6
DVB-T2 FFT mode: 1k, 2k, 4k, 8k, 16k, 32k
DVB-T2 bandwidth: 1.7/5/6/7/8 MHz
DVB-T2 constellation: QPSK, 16 QAM, 64 QAM, 256 QAM
DVB-C demodulation: —————————————————–
DVB-C standard: EN 300 429/ITU J.83 Annex A/C
DVB-C frequency range: 42-1002 MHz
DVB-C input symbol rate: 1-7.2 MHz
DVB-C constellation: 4/16/32/64/128/256 QAM
MPEG-TS processor: —————————————————–
Program filter:
PSI/SI processing: Cable-NIT, LCN, PCR correction, CAT
LCN data: NorDig Descriptor V1, IEC 62216, FRANSAT PRO
Stuffing: Automatic
Decryption: —————————————————–
6 CAM slots:
TS-Routing CAM:
Modulator: —————————————————–
Modulator output channels: 8 x DVB-T, 2k mode
Modulator constellation: QPSK, 16/64 QAM
Modulator guard interval: 1/4, 1/8, 1/16, 1/32
Modulator code rate: 1/2, 2/3, 3/4, 5/6, 7/8
HF output connection: 1 x F-connector, 75 Ω
HF output Frequency range: 47 – 1006 MHz (fine adjustment in 125 kHz steps)
HF output Frequency range (channel list): 47 – 86/110 – 862 MHz (setting via channel list)
RF output return loss: 14 (47 MHz) -1.5 dB/oct. dB
HF output level: 105 dBµV
HF output pre-emphasis: 8 dBµV
HF output Level adjustment range: -20 (in 0.5 dB steps) dB
HF output Level stability: ± 0.8 dB
HF output Frequency stability: 35 ppm
RF output MER: Type. 40 dB
HF output Shoulder attenuation: ≥ 60 (at standard level) dB
HF output secondary emissions: ≥ 60 dB
Test output: —————————————————–
Test socket: 1 x F-connector, 75 Ω
Level relative to the output: 25 dB
System data: —————————————————–
Power consumption: 34-38 *) W
Temperature range: 0 to +45 °C
Mains voltage: 100 – 240 V
Protective shutdown: > 70 °C
Dimensions (W x H x D): 350 x 97 x 244 mm
Weight: Approx. 4 kg

*) The power consumption depends on the input and output configuration (data without LNB supply or remote supply for active antennas)

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