80010677 | 2-Port Direct.

790–960 (SISO), 1710–2700 (SISO), Vertical, Dual Polarisation, N Connector

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790–960 (SISO), 1710–2700 (SISO), Vertical, Dual Polarisation, N Connector

  • The antenna can be operated in all frequency ranges simultaneously
  • The antenna needs no additional groundplane
  • Materials: Reflector: aluminium; radome: high impact polystyrene; mounting plates: stainless steel
  • Colour: white; additional painting is possible
  • Mounting: Position: wall and ceiling possible; two holes of 6 mm | 0.24 inches diameter in the mounting plate; screws are not supplied; avoid stressing the cable; no stress on the hexagonal crimp; minimum cable bending radius: 30 mm | 1.18 inches without tensile load; cable must be fixed
  • Available accessories: Broadband power splitters and tappers (790–2700 MHz)

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